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The Truth About Vaping vs Smoking: A Personal Experience

Choosing Your Poison and Its Effects.

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People often ask me: "What's healthier for you? Vaping or smoking?" Fact is the repercussions of cigarettes are well known. But the full extent of vaping (e-cigarettes) is unspecified. I often reply with "Both are bad for you!" From past experiences with nicotine addiction and reliable sources, here's what I can share with you.

Common Side Effects

As the years pass, I've learned that cigarettes have a higher health risk. Vaping hasn't been around long enough to grasp the full, long-term effects. Nevertheless, both vaping and smoking do share some common side effects. To give you an idea, symptoms may include headaches, nicotine addiction, dry mouth, shortness of breath, as well as coughing. On these terms, vaping is known to be less harmful and cheaper than a "pack of smokes" solely for its immediate effects.

Cigarettes are infamous for causing multiple, different types of cancers and diseases. Decreasing the ability of your immune system takes a big role in this activity. Let's not forget about the bad breath that comes along with that! Smoking "cigs" could potentially cause strokes, diabetes, dental problems, vision loss and hearing disabilities. 

(Basic Information | Smoking and Tobacco Use | CDC

What Happened to Me?

From personal experience, my behavior changed when I started smoking. Vaping had similar effects. It was more difficult to pay attention, lacking nicotine throughout my day. My learning ability also decreased. Most people understand how it affects your heart and lungs, but what's known the least is the effect that nicotine has on your brain. 

Exposure to nicotine changes the way your brain functions. The reason behind this lies within the synapses inside your brain. Synapses are basically connections: one brain cell communicating with the other. They also take charge in parts of the brain that control attention and learning. 

The Results of Stopping!

The good news is once you stop smoking completely, nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal! While that is happening, the craving response will occur less. The intensity will decrease through time, and eventually fade away completely. "Although stopping smoking can be hard, it is well worth the effort." (Richard D. Hurt, M.D., Nicotine Dependence Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.)

When I entirely stopped my nicotine intake, I saw remarkable changes within myself.  As a U.S. Marine, being in top physical condition is a must! Bad breath when I would speak to others was no more! My physical fitness increased along with more endurance for a morning jog. Tasks that appeared confusing before were now simplified for me to comprehend. 

Overall, research and experience combined, this is the truth: You can maximize your health benefits by stopping smoking completely! It is very do-able and only takes a bit of effort to start. It will be challenging at times. But there are resources to help quit. Talking to your doctor on finding a solution is advised. But it is not impossible to put an end to bad smoking or vaping habits yourself. Stopping smoking completely can lead to improvements in physical fitness, endurance, and mental clarity.

-Emmanuel Fiallo, Content Generalist,  U.S. Marine, Cherry Point, NC.

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